Now in its fourth phase, RAISE supports selected organisations to augment their regular funding by building capacity to generate significant new private and philanthropic investment. Since 2018, leading fundraising and philanthropy consultants OKC have
delivered the RAISE Programme on behalf of the Arts Council, based on the following key outcomes:
- FUNDRAISING: To increase fundraised income and build culture and capacity in the chosen organisations to generate significant new philanthropic and corporate investment
- BOARD ENGAGEMENT: To increase Board knowledge and engagement in fundraising, philanthropy and partnership development
COMMUNICATIONS: To maximise donor reach and brand awareness
RESOURCING AND POLICY: To build capacity through fundraising skills and knowledge, and grow and embed a culture of philanthropy within the chosen organisations.
The Arts Council believes that philanthropy and private investment, in tandem with government support, has a key role to play in promoting Ireland’s vibrant arts and cultural sector. It is this amalgam of public, private and corporate investment that
is needed to ensure the sustainability, growth and impact of the arts sector into the future.
Now in its fourth phase, the RAISE programme supports selected arts & cultural organisations from across the country to augment their regular funding by building capacity to generate significant new private and philanthropic investment. Since 2018, leading fundraising and philanthropy consultants OKC have delivered the RAISE Programme on behalf of the Arts Council.
RAISE Phase 4, beginning in January, supports organisations in navigating the post-Covid environment and helping to further develop a “Culture for Giving” to the arts in Ireland. RAISE Phase 4 supports arts organisations under four cohorts: RAISE Academy (12 organisations) RAISE Accelerate(6 organisations) RAISE Advance (10 organisations) and the RAISE Up Fund (22 organisations).
The events schedule for the first quarter of RAISE Phase 4 includes:
- Developing and Refining the Case for Support & Fundraising Strategy
- Major Donor Engagement
- Sustainability and the Arts with Native Events
- The RAISE Purposeful Leadership Programme with Caroline McCormick of Achates RAISE Digital Workshops with Jean O’Brien of Digital Charity Lab
RAISE Phase 4 Materials
RAISE Phase 3
RAISE Phase 2
RAISE Phase 1