'At Home in the Water', Vanessa Daws. Exhibited in Fabrica, Brighton in October 2022
In 2022 the Arts Council embarked on a consultation process to better understand what we can do to support the arts community to take action and get to grips with climate action ourselves.
This was undertaken in partnership with Julie’s Bicycle EU, a team which brings a wealth of experience from home and abroad – from Julie’s Bicycle’s experience with international cultural
policy-making and 10 years as partner for Arts Council England’s environmental programme, to the pioneering work of Native Events and the Green Arts Initiative in Ireland to bring sustainable practices to Irish events and green Irish arts venues.
Over a six month period an in-depth consultation process was undertaken with artists, arts organisations, arts workers and wider stakeholders to inform the development of our Climate Action Policy. This consultation process included an industry wide survey,
internal and external interviews and a roundtable event.
The Consultation
Summary Report (in English) was produced which includes key findings and conclusions. An Irish version is also available. The Climate
Action Survey Results and a more easily readable version of the Roundtable
Visual Minutes are also publicly available. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the consultation process.