In 2019, we published our Equality, Human Rights and Diversity (EHRD) Policy and Strategy.
The policy is designed to build on a range of existing Arts Council work areas, including an Arts and Disability policy, a Cultural Diversity and the Arts policy and a Dignity at Work policy.
As the agency tasked with the development of the arts in Ireland, it is crucial that the Arts Council takes a proactive and focused approach to guaranteeing a basic human right: ensuring that everyone who lives in Ireland has the opportunity to engage
with, and participate in the arts.
Arts Council Director Maureen Kennelly and artist Amanda Coogan outline the policy’s key areas
In publishing our Equality, Human Rights and Diversity Policy and Strategy we have committed to taking actions over the course of the coming years to actively deepen our understanding of inequalities in the arts and develop substantive ways to address
We recognise that our policy must be embedded from the outset in our own institutional structure and practice and we will work towards ensuring that our board, staff, advisers and panellists, best reflect and represent the diversity of contemporary
Diversity is a core organisational value in the Arts Council’s 10-year strategy to 2025, Making Great Art Work , centred
on respecting diversity of artistic practice, of public engagement, and of social and cultural traditions. This core value attests to the organisation’s commitment to and appreciation of the value of diversity.
A condensed version of the policy is available in the following languages:
Other versions: