The Hide Sculpture by Garrett Phelan, commissioned by Fingal County Council, one of the sites for An Urgent Enquiry, Invitation to Collaboration, 2017
Invitation to Collaboration
Invitation to Collaboration supports regional and national initiatives in the field of local-authority-led arts development. The scheme is rooted in the policies set out in the Arts Council’s ten-year strategy (2016-2025), Making Great Art Work: Leading the Development of the Arts in Ireland (0.22 MB), and in A Framework for Collaboration: An Agreement Between the Arts Council and the County and City Management Association (1.5MB, PDF). The emphasis is placed on supporting partnerships that focus on developing projects, resources or services that are ambitious and are testing new ground. The following projects were funded in 2017.
Exit 15
Laoghaire Rathdown with Queens University, Belfast City Council, Mid and East
Antrim Borough Council, Voluntary Arts Ireland and Create
15 is an creative place programme responding to the artistic aspirations of
local people in the Ballyogan area of DLR. It is coupled with an action
research project led by Queens University in tandem with two other local
authorities and arts partners with
extensive experience in arts and communities of interest.
Dance and Health
County Council with Tipperary and Kerry County Council and Dance Ireland
Dance and Health action research programme to deepen the place of dance in
healthcare in partnership with regionally based local authorities, communities
and dance artists with the overall aim of providing a model that can be used
Local Arts Research
County Council, with Kildare, Fingal and Limerick with Indecon and Prof. John
research project which represents a strategic intention by the local authority
partners, who all work in different contexts, to examine Arts Service work
practices in a variety of contexts, to better understand their changing roles,
inform future policy development and meet the sector’s needs.
Symphony for the Blind
County Council with the Irish Memory Orchestra, Arts and Disability Ireland and
National Council for the Blind
research and development participatory orchestral project for musicians who are
visually impaired leading to the composition of a new work and to create a learning
and supportive environment for musicians, which will be artistically led by the
Irish Memory Orchestra and 3L an online teaching resource.
The Autonomy Project
City and County Council with UL, Dance Limerick, Music Generation, GOSHH
Autonomy Project is a multi-disciplinary youth programme, led by Lisa
McLoughlin which focuses on tolerance and action through art culminating with
week-long performance / installation and symposium with international
contributors on art and autonomy in UL led by Dr Niamh NicGhabhann.
Facilitating artists in the youth projects will be mentored by Amanda Coogan.
An Urgent Enquiry
County Council with Dublin City Council and Fingal County Council
collaborative and interdepartmental enquiry with biodiversity officers to
research new models of future public art commissioning with focusing on the
pertinent issue of art and biodiversity, common to their eastern coastlines,
which will take the form of a forum in each county coastline with invite local
national and international art & biodiversity experts to contribute to
the research and development.