For information on arts degree/ post graduate courses in Ireland you might visit the Qualifax website This is the national database of third level and further education courses. Qualifax is the ‘one stop shop’ for information on courses for guidance counsellors and students. In addition you might also taka a look at the career directions website run by FAS for information on being an artist.
Included in Qualifax (the national database of third level and further education courses) are links to college and other education / training websites in Ireland and abroad. Qualifax is the ‘one stop shop’ for information on courses for guidance counsellors and students. You can also look up evening and short term courses (e.g. portfolio preparation courses).
Vacancies, as they arise, are advertised on our website in the About us section.
The Arts Council also publishes a newsletter that provides monthly updates on grants and awards, news and events, and jobs in the arts community. You can register to receive the newsletter here.
We do not, at present, run an internship or work placement programme.