The Arts Council and County and City Management Association (CCMA) have a joint ten year agreement A Framework for Collaboration 2016 – 2025 which highlights the value of three decades of partnership and recognises the common interests we have and the goals that we wish to pursue. Three of those goals are particularly relevant to the support of arts centres:
- To improve opportunities and supports for artists and those working in the arts.
- To optimise our shared investment in the arts and ensure we are applying resources in the most equitable and efficient way possible.
- To effectively integrate the key principles of this agreement into relevant future planning and development strategies of the Arts Council and local authorities.
The Arts Centre Review
As one of the means of meeting these goals, the Arts Council and the CCMA jointly commissioned a ‘Venues Review’ in late 2017 and awarded the tender to CHL Consultants who began work in 2018.
The review is intended to provide evidence, insight and guidance to local government and the Arts Council in how to best support the infrastructure of arts centres nationally into the future. The terms of reference for the review are published on the Arts Council’s website.
This important study, which demonstrates our collaborative approach, will inform the development of any future policy and strategy by the CCMA and the Arts Council in relation to arts centres, both individually and together.
Policies and Strategies arising from the Review
As an independent review its findings are not endorsed as policy by either the Arts Council or the CCMA. Any joint Arts Council and CCMA policy, strategy or implementation plan involving the arts centre infrastructure will be agreed and published separately.
Both the CCMA and the Arts Council will continue to work together on any recommendations which may be jointly researched and implemented through its joint Management Liaison Group and Working Group.
This work will continue through 2019 and into 2020 and forms part of the work-plan arising out of A Framework for Collaboration.
The Review and the implementation of any recommendations from the review should be seen in the context of Project Ireland 2040 – The National Planning Framework. Ireland 2040 is the overarching policy and planning framework for the social, economic and cultural development of our country.
The Review and the implementation of any recommendations from the review should be seen in the context of Project Ireland 2040 – The National Planning Framework. Ireland 2040 is the overarching policy and planning framework for the social, economic and cultural development of our country.