All In is being developed by people with disabilities for people with disabilities, who want to help creative and cultural organisations improve access, remove barriers and welcome more people
with access requirements through their doors. This includes theatres, museums, galleries, festivals, libraries and more.
All In is a partnership between Arts Council England (ACE), Arts Council of Northern Ireland (ACNI), Arts Council of Wales (ACW),and Creative Scotland (CS) As of October 2024, the Arts Council of Ireland (ACI) is joining as a founding partner to extend the project to cover all of Ireland in its remit.
- This project
is, and will continue to be, disabled-led and inclusive, reflecting the needs
of the groups we seek to serve.
For more information contact allin@artscouncil.ie
Call out for Expressions of Interest to become a member of the UK and Ireland All In Advisory Group (AIAG)
We are looking for two representatives to sit on an Advisory Group for this ground-breaking new access scheme in Ireland and the UK.
To date, the All In Advisory Group (AIAG) has supported the development of this scheme by bringing lived experience and sector expertise to the decision-making process for the UK wide access scheme and providing viewpoints from across the four UK Nations:
England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Given that Ireland is now joining this scheme and will be contributing to that development process, we want to recruit two Irish based representatives to sit on this important Advisory Group and offer new perspectives from Ireland to the team.
- As this project is disabled-led, we are only accepting applications from
people who identify as D/deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent, or who have a
long-term condition. In this instance we are looking specifically for people
with disabilities who live in the Republic of Ireland.
This is a remunerated role. The closing
date for receipt of applications is Tuesday
12 November 2024.
For further details on how to apply please download the Recruitment Information Pack.